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What are the PSTI requirements?

The new regulations provide a set of security measures to ensure consumer connectable devices are more secure to help tackle the ongoing threats of cybercrime:

The requirements

Default passwords are banned

Weak passwords like ‘Admin 123’ that can be guessed or easily compromised are banned. Compliant products must have a unique password to be legally sold or made available as part of a service in the UK. This applies to both new and refurbished products placed on the market and devices made available as part of a solution or service, such as a Managed Print Service.

Improved reporting of security issues

The regulations force manufacturers to take responsibility to maintain the products they sell by requiring them to publish a Vulnerability Disclosure Policy. Manufacturers will need to identify and flag any product security vulnerabilities and provide a mechanism for third parties to report identified risks.

Security update period transparency

The regulations require the minimum length of time that products will be supported with security updates to be published. This will help inform purchasing decisions.

Statement of compliance

All products made available to the market must be accompanied by a statement of compliance. 

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